At the birth of his son, Zachariah the skeptic became Zachariah the believer. His acceptance of God’s prophecy for his son was evidenced by his insistence that the baby be named John as the Lord had designated. It was a custom among Hebrews to name children after various relatives. Tradition was abruptly broken.
Our God is not a God of traditions, but of creations. Our Father lives! The infinite variety of His creation attests to His complex greatness. Man, with limited knowledge and ability, often clings for security’s sake to the old; afraid of the challenge of the unknown even in such small things as names.
The life of the Christian should be filled with challenges and changes. The Holy Spirit has been given to lead us from one degree of glory into another. This is newness of life. Christ continually exposed the traditions of men for what they were–empty rituals. We are warned in Colossians 2 about indulging in rules and regulations because they cause spiritual pride and competition among believers. All food is good in its proper function; penance is pleasing to God only if it is accompanied by true repentance; fasting is right along with other methods of self-abasement only if done in obedience to our Father’s command and in true humility before Him. Jesus said, “Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired, but instead You (God) have made ready a body for Me to offer.” Heb.10:5 In other words our whole life is to be a sweet smelling sacrifice to our God. We are clay in the Potter’s hand to be shaped and reshaped into whatever He desires. This requires change.
Rx: Think of children and their rapid physical growth. How many garments they outgrow as they mature! Our attitudes can be considered the garments of our souls; to be discarded or remade as we develop spiritually. As we allow the Holy Spirit to assume greater control of our lives, the walls of tradition and fruitless rituals will dissolve like mist before the morning sun. No church can save us or law justify us. It is ‘Christ in us, the hope of glory’. Col. 1:27b
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