Reading Luke 1:18-25

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Here is an interesting situation: Zachariah interceding in behalf of the sins of Israel, but unable to accept God’s blessing for himself. How fitting he be left speechless, for the confession of his mouth did not line up with God’s plan. His carnal understanding barred the quickening of God’s word to his spirit. Although he acknowledged his God as all-sufficient according to Jewish law, it was hard for him to believe God’s mercy for himself because he knew his limitations. Or did he? With God nothing is impossible, absolutely nothing!

Why are we more ready to believe in a miracle for someone else than for ourselves? The enemy of our souls constantly whispers to us that we are unworthy. Yes, we are. Our righteousness is as filthy rags, the Bible says, but the Word also says we are to know no man after the flesh anymore, including ourselves. Praise God! WE receive the blessings of God not because of our efforts and position but because of WHAT CHRIST HAS DONE for us. For our sake the Father made Christ to be sin Who knew no sin so that through Him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Cor.5:21) Say this over and over “Christ took my sin and made me the righteousness of God. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.”

If you have received Jesus as the substitution for your sinful self and yielded your life to His Lordship you are in God and He is in you. A perfect oneness that defies separation! He actually chose you for Himself before the foundation of the world and has given you every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm! Don’t believe me? Read Ephesians 1:3-6.

Rx: Don’t be like Zachariah. Silence your unbelief! Begin to confess God’s love to and for you. Throughout the day rehearse His blessings in your life. Expect His goodness at every turn. Receive His mercy. Trust Him.