Category: Uncategorized

  • Reading Luke 1:67-80 The heart cry of man since his removal from Eden has been for deliverance from the bondage of Satan and self. He has made idols, invented religions and sought release through every cunningly devised plan his mind can conceive. Yet, branded at the very core of his being is the word GUILTY.… Read more

  • Reading Luke 1:57-66

    At the birth of his son, Zachariah the skeptic became Zachariah the believer. His acceptance of God’s prophecy for his son was evidenced by his insistence that the baby be named John as the Lord had designated. It was a custom among Hebrews to name children after various relatives. Tradition was abruptly broken. Our God… Read more

  • Reading Luke 1:46-56

    The secret of a successful relationship with our Lord lies within the beautiful “Magnificat”. Mary’s soul magnified the Lord and her heart rejoiced in God Her Savior. Imagine her joy and excitement-after thousands of years and millions of prayers, Israel’s Messiah was coming and she was the chosen vessel! Mankind was created to fellowship in… Read more