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Reading Luke 1:67-80 The heart cry of man since his removal from Eden has been for deliverance from the bondage of Satan and self. He has made idols, invented religions and sought release through every cunningly devised plan his mind can conceive. Yet, branded at the very core of his being is the word GUILTY.…
Reading Luke 1:57-66
At the birth of his son, Zachariah the skeptic became Zachariah the believer. His acceptance of God’s prophecy for his son was evidenced by his insistence that the baby be named John as the Lord had designated. It was a custom among Hebrews to name children after various relatives. Tradition was abruptly broken. Our God…
Reading Luke 1:46-56
The secret of a successful relationship with our Lord lies within the beautiful “Magnificat”. Mary’s soul magnified the Lord and her heart rejoiced in God Her Savior. Imagine her joy and excitement-after thousands of years and millions of prayers, Israel’s Messiah was coming and she was the chosen vessel! Mankind was created to fellowship in…
Reading Luke 1:39-45
Mary went to Elizabeth to rejoice with her at the time of their fruitfulness. Who else could possibly begin to understand and relate to Mary except Elizabeth? Also, Elizabeth needed to share her feelings of motherhood with someone who believed, for even her husband had his doubts. Each woman confirmed to the other the work…
Reading Luke 1:26-38
“Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found grace with God”. In one brief angelic visitation Mary’s destiny was revealed to her. With the words, “I am the handmaiden (servant) of the Lord and I am willing to do whatever He wants,” she accepted God’s plan for her life. God didn’t pick Mary’s name…
Reading Luke 1:18-25
Here is an interesting situation: Zachariah interceding in behalf of the sins of Israel, but unable to accept God’s blessing for himself. How fitting he be left speechless, for the confession of his mouth did not line up with God’s plan. His carnal understanding barred the quickening of God’s word to his spirit. Although he…
Reading Luke 1:5-17
Luke 1:5-17 How great is our Father’s wisdom! How precious His timing! How overwhelming His grace to those who love and trust Him! Humanly speaking, according to Jewish tradition, Zacharius and Elizabeth were to be pitied because they had no children. Perhaps some busy-body even whispered behind their backs that Elizabeth’s barrenness was due to some…
Reading Luke 1:1-4
Reading Luke 1:1-4 The Gospel of Luke was written about 58-60 A.D. by Luke, a physician and a Greek speaking Gentile. It is possible he studied at the medical school of Philippi and , after his conversion, pastored there while Paul visited Asia Minor. Luke was a man of loyalty, culture and education whose writings…
Dear Friends
Dear friends, I invite you to take a glimpse of Jesus’ earthly life through the writings of Luke the physician. He wrote his gospel about 58-59 AD. He was possibly from Macedonia and had studied at the medical school of Phillippi. He was a man of culture, loyalty, and education whose writings illustrate his sensitivity,…