Reading Luke 1:1-4

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Reading Luke 1:1-4

The Gospel of Luke was written about 58-60 A.D. by Luke, a physician and a Greek speaking Gentile. It is possible he studied at the medical school of Philippi and , after his conversion, pastored there while Paul visited Asia Minor.

Luke was a man of loyalty, culture and education whose writings illustrate his sensitivity, kindliness, and love. He had a great respect and understanding of women as shown by his stories of Mary, Elizabeth, and the sisters of Lazarus.

In the opening statements of his gospel, Luke clearly revealed his diligence in researching his writings so everything would be accurate and orderly. His account is the richest of the four in poetic expression and vocabulary and also includes parables not recorded by other writers.

Luke’s gospel is mainly historical. He paints the life of Christ from birth to death with complete impartiality. There are phrases used which are reminiscent of Paul’s style such as the word ‘justify’. Luke surely was influenced by Paul’s teaching since he was Paul’s traveling companion.

Luke gives the Holy Spirit special recognition. He relates to how the Holy Spirit empowered John the Baptist, Christ, Mary, Elizabeth, etc. In Chapter 24 Luke records Christ’s words concerning the empowering of the disciples by the Holy Spirit.

As we study the Gospel of Luke, may we be “filled with the full knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things; that we may walk in a manner worth of our Lord, fully pleasing Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in the knowledge of God.” Col.1:10 PRAYER: Come, Holy Spirit, inspire our thoughts to better know Him in Whom we believe-Jesus, the Lover of our souls. Thank you, Father, for the work You will accomplish in our lives through this study. Amen.