“Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found grace with God”. In one brief angelic visitation Mary’s destiny was revealed to her. With the words, “I am the handmaiden (servant) of the Lord and I am willing to do whatever He wants,” she accepted God’s plan for her life.
God didn’t pick Mary’s name out of a hat. He planned for her mission from before the foundation of the world even as He does for us. Some historians say that as an adolescent, Mary attended a private girls’ school where she was taught Jewish history, scripture etc. If so, she would have been well acquainted with the prophesies about a coming Messiah, which was why she could say, “Let it be done to me according to what you have said.” The Word was planted in her heart, then became flesh when she gave birth to Jesus, the Living Word.
Most of us are not blest with live angelic encounters nor in a moment of time are told our Heavenly Father’s intent for our lives, yet it is remarkable how God’s call to us mimics Mary’s encounter. First, Mary was under the Old Testament covenant. Her messenger was an angel; our call comes directly from the Father because we are under a covenant of Grace.( John 6:44) Jesus says, “No one can come to me unless the Father Who sent Me draws him.” Then we also have an encounter with the Holy Spirit Whose breath of life awakens our spirit, planting the spirit of Jesus within us. Christ in you the hope of glory.( Col.1:27) Next, we must nurture this spirit through studying the scriptures, prayer, worship, Christian fellowship, the growth of faith, and the Pentecost experience. For some, this growth is rapid and dynamic. Others gain ground slowly. In the end we birth Jesus to others in our little part of the world. Just as Jesus told HIs disciples “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John14:9) we should be able to say: “Anyone who has seen me has seen Jesus” (or at least part of His glorious nature). Remember, Christian means “little Christ”.
Rx: Consider yourself pregnant with divine possibilities. Ask God what His plan is for your life. Let Jesus be your mentor. There is no one better.