Luke 1:5-17
How great is our Father’s wisdom! How precious His timing! How overwhelming His grace to those who love and trust Him! Humanly speaking, according to Jewish tradition, Zacharius and Elizabeth were to be pitied because they had no children. Perhaps some busy-body even whispered behind their backs that Elizabeth’s barrenness was due to some secret sin. But neither slander nor the loneliness or an unfruitful womb could cause this husband and wife to grumble against God. God found them righteous because their relationship with Him hinged on who He was, not what He had done for them. They trusted God because they loved Him rather than through a secret desire for reward or the fear of consequences.
The lack of children in their lives produced the exact character God wanted them to have in order to fulfill His plan for them. What blessing their constant, abiding love birthed! Not only did they receive the desire of their hearts – a son- but Christ spoke of him as being far more than a prophet; a baby filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother’s womb.
How important it is to submit to our Lord our every desire, that He in His way and in His time, may bring it to fruition. In the meantime, God desires that we fellowship with Him and worship Him for who He is – the great I Am.
Rx: Are you holding any corner of yourself in reserve because God has not met all your desires? Surrender all to Him. The best is yet to come!